Terms of use

Last updated on June 24, 2022


The website www.agilinfirmiers.com is published by A.G.I.L Infirmiers.
Liberal nurses practice company with limited liability with capital of 1000 euros.
Registered office: 203 avenue Achille Peretti 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

Adresse de courrier électronique : contact@agilinfirmiers.com

Director of publication:
Pierre-Edouard Sergent as legal representative of the company A.G.I.L Infirmiers

‍Website host :
Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 214 410,50 Euros
433 115 904 RCS Paris
Registered office: 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris


To report a contentious content or if you are a victim of fraudulent use of the company A.G.I.L Infirmiers, please contact us at this address: contact@agilinfirmiers.com

Intellectual property

This website and all its contents (in particular data, information, photos, logos and trademarks) are the exclusive property of A.G.I.L Infirmiers or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or quotation, in whole or in part, whatever the process or medium, is strictly forbidden except in cases provided for by law or expressly authorized by the owner. Non-contractual photos.

Personal data

You can visit our site on the Internet without having to declare your identity or provide any personal information about yourself. However, we may occasionally ask you for information about patient management, appointment changes/cancellations, or job applications.