We welcome you by appointment from Monday to Sunday in our fully renovated office at 203 Avenue Achille Perretti in the heart of Neuilly-sur-Seine (92).
With easy and convenient access, you’ll find all the comfort and discretion you need for your treatments.
We carry out all the treatments listed in the OUR CARE section, as well as all others relating to the practice of our profession on medical prescription.
Don’t forget to bring your health insurance card and prescription to your appointment, as well as any medical supplies prescribed.
Our nurses are registered with the French health insurance scheme, and all have a portable “carte vitale” reader.
We offer third-party payment for treatments not covered by the 100% ALD (long-term illness), CMU (french universal health cover), AME (french state medical aid), AT (work accident), occupational illness and maternity schemes.
Our practitioners may ask you to pay the amount corresponding to the complementary part once every 15 days, at the end of the month or at the end of your treatment.
They will provide you with proof of payment, and your mutual insurance company will reimburse you within a few days.
If you do not have health insurance (“Carte vitale”), you will need to show your nurse a certificate of entitlement to social security.
In some cases, the practitioner will draw up a treatment form for you, which you can send to your health insurance fund along with your prescription for reimbursement.
Depending on the circumstances, extra fees may be charged. Your nurse will inform you in advance.
If necessary, your practitioner can prescribe any additional medical devices required (specific dressings, compresses, etc.).